
Important Information

On this page you will find slides of lectures I gave in the last years. These slides are free to use if you reference the source (me or the authors referenced in the slides).
If I should have used copyright protected material, please, inform me such that I can remove it. If I should have forgotten to reference an author in the slides, please, inform me so that we can correct this mistake.


Tutorials and Presentations

Low Leakage VLSI Design with Mixed Gates (Disputation, German)

Introduction to Analog-Digital-Converters

Introduction to HSpice (example files)

Reliability in Nanometer Technologies – Problems and Solutions

Microelectronics Today – Problems and Solutions

Cerificado Aberto em Microeletrônica na EE/UFMG



VLSI Design 2018/1 (Portuguese/English)


CMOS Technology

Design Methods

MOS Transistor

MOS Transistor (supplementary)


Sistemas Processadores e Periféricos ’12 (Portuguese)

(Please, contact me for ppt versions)


Conjunto de Instruções MIPS 1

Conjunto de Instruções MIPS 2

Conjunto de Instruções MIPS 3

Aritmética Computacional

Via de Dados e Controle 1

Via de Dados e Controle 2

Hierarquia de Memória

Memória Virtual


Entradas, Saídas e Barramentos

Entrada e Saída


Microconductors ’08

CMOS Basics

Low Power VLSI Design 1

Low Power VLSI Design 2

Low Leakage VLSI Design

Introduction to Reliability in VLSI Design

Introduction to HSpice (example files)


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